4 quick tips – for when you feel overwhelmed

Here’s a cool message I keep in my notebook and refer back to on days when I feel scattered…

“To my sweet Joel… 💕  these are the four things I do when I’m feeling overwhelmed… 💕  I do the next right thing… 💕  I Finish what I start…💕  I Use what I have…💕  And I do what I know… 💕  Your favorite kindergarten teacher, Murph”

– The next right thing: Out of the 1000 items on my to-do list, usually only 1-2 of them are the next best step. This reminds me not to procrastinate.

– Finish what I start: I’ve got a short attention span and sometimes move to the next project before I finish the first. This step reminds me not to multi-task.

– Use what I have: There are many things out of my control. But there are many things I CAN control. This reminds me to use whatever is in my reach to get stuff done.

– Do what I know: As long as I’m trying my best, I will learn along the way. This reminds me that failure is OK, and gives me confidence.

Maybe you can use some of these too on the days you need it. 🙂

Have a good one,
– Joel