A few Friday love stories for ya…

Last Friday on my volunteering shift, I got a special assignment…

One of the clients has been requesting some pie for several months. The standard issue meals can get a bit bland, so he’s been asking constantly if meals on wheels can bring him some pie – to change things up.

So last week, one of the volunteers went and bought a huge delicious pie, and asked me to deliver it.

I can’t show you this person’s face, but I can tell you it’s a sight forever burned in my memory.

Strangers helping strangers… It’s the most beautiful thing in the world.


Speaking of strangers and good deeds, also last Friday I got to hand out these valentines day cards!

They were hand made by school kids in Santa Monica.

Inside there were funny sayings like “You have a pizza my heart” 🍕 and “I love you a little s’more every day” 🍫 with drawings to match. So cute!


Last story: In November last year I wrote a post called 100 x Days Until Valentines Day. The idea was to write 100 x love notes over 100 days for your valentine in a little book.

Well, about 10 people out there actually did it! (there could be more we don’t even know about). Anyway, they all presented the books to their partners last weekend. Woohoo! Below is a pic of my buddy Kae’s

If any of y’all are interested for next year, and want a little less stressful assignment… Try writing just 1 x love letter per week until valentines day next year. That’s 50 x love letters – pretty cool (and FREE) gift!


Well, thanks for reading.

Just wanted to spread some joy and happiness this morning.

Happy Friday!
– Joel