Living an Extraordinary Life


Flower extraordinary


Living an extraordinary life has nothing to do with comparing yourself to how ordinary people live. It’s about comparing yourself to yourself.

Every day I try to:

– Progress a little on goals
– Learn some new stuff
– Share or give things
– Be a better version of myself than yesterday

When I do the above daily, I find:

– I am happier
– I am less stressed
– I’m more fun to be around
– I feel humbled by all the stuff I don’t know
– Most of all, I experience extraordinary things

If I keep focusing on the top list, the bottom stuff is a byproduct. It just comes along for free.

Have a great day. Make it extraordinary. 🤩
– Joel

*Rose pic up top: I found that little beauty while walking the dog yesterday. You prob can’t tell from the photo but this rose is HUGE, like the size of a melon. And it smelled like one too!