What’s your beautiful moment today?

“To some, it’s just water.
To me, it’s where I regain my sanity”


This morning I’m going surfing. In between waves, I’ll be watching the sun rise on one side of the sky, while the moon is setting on the other side. I can’t put into words how beautiful the next few hours of my life will be.

I don’t know what your favorite activity is. The thing that calms you, centers you, resets your attitude, and makes you thank your lucky stars about how awesome your life is…

But whatever it is, I hope you get some of it in today. It doesn’t matter if nobody understands or shares your feelings. You’re not doing it for others, your doing it for you.

Wishing you a beautiful Sunday!
– Joel

PS. What is the last fun photo you took on your phone? Send it to me, I’d love to see what you’re up to!

Last night’s sunset at Coronado Island, from my buddy Kurtis