“Fresh Start” Theory

Happy June 1st!

Ever heard of the “fresh start” theory?

Basically it’s a theory that people take more action towards their goals if they start them on a landmark date. Like the start of a week, the 1st of the month, or New Years resolutions.

Landmark dates (even though they’re just as special as any other day) *feel* more significant because they make your goal a defining moment in time. A transition from the Old You to the New You.

Today is June 1, and it’s a good “fresh start” date.

My parents and I have a new limited drinking goal starting today. We’ve set a maximum limit of 9 alcoholic beverages per week (didn’t want to cut out drinking all together like last time, just reduce consumption a bit), and have to pay $ penalties for exceeding the limit.

You got any goals for the month of June? Small or big, today’s a great day to start 🙂

Have a good one,
– Joel

The “windowsill ale” is finished and ready to drink this summer!