I got it from my Mama!


My Mum is the best.

She had 4 kids in her early 20’s – something most young people these days wouldn’t dare attempt.

I asked my Mum how she handled it all back then… I mean, some of my friends today complain about having 2 kids.. How did she manage 4 x little terrors running around!?

Mum told me her secret:

“Whenever I got overwhelmed, I just closed my eyes and imagined I had 10 kids. I imagined the 6 oldest ones were off at boarding school, so I only had to deal with the 4 little ones that day. Easy!”

Love her perspective and attitude in life. My siblings and I are lucky.

Thanks, Mum. For everything.

I love you.

Happy Mothers Day!

Photo from about 30 years ago at the 12 Apostles, right off the Great Ocean Road in Victoria, Australia. I’m the one hiding between Dad’s legs 🙂