Ditching negative thoughts (and keeping good ones!)

Did you know… You can get rid of your negative thoughts by writing them down onto a piece of paper, then ripping that paper up and throwing it in the trash? It’s true. A bunch of studies prove that turning our thoughts into material objects —> increases or decreases our mental impact depending on what Read more about Ditching negative thoughts (and keeping good ones!)[…]

July 1st *Self* Worth Report

In the finance community, people update their Net Worth Report at the start of each month… But today, I’m evaluating my *Self Worth* instead. (Self worth is basically the same as Self Esteem… It’s confidence in one’s own abilities and assurance of who they are) Here are some areas in my life and a rating Read more about July 1st *Self* Worth Report[…]

Good vibes coming your way

Happy Saturday!!! Wishing you lots of happiness, good vibes, positivity, smiles, hugs and kisses, special moments, delicious foods, relaxing naps, unexpected presents, random signs from the universe, free money, inner peace, uncontrollable laughter, celebrations, play time with friends, raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens… Did I miss anything? Basically whatever stuff you love in Read more about Good vibes coming your way[…]

“Happiness is love. Full stop.”

Ever heard of the “Grant Study“? It’s one of the longest running studies ever done on human development… It started in the 1940’s when researchers at Harvard Medical School followed 268 college graduates, and studied them for next 75 years! They met with these people regularly through life and measured a bunch of psychological, anthropological, Read more about “Happiness is love. Full stop.”[…]

This year, light 1000 candles 🕯

Did you know that… One single candle 🔥  can light 1000 other candles, without shortening its own life? Well, it’s the same with sharing happiness… One single happy person 😁  can light up the lives of 1000 other people, without decreasing their own happiness supply. So this is my challenge for you in 2022: Share Read more about This year, light 1000 candles 🕯[…]

Happiness is a direction, not a place.

Most people wander around life, trying to find “happiness”. They think it’s a thing, a place, a person, a promotion… they travel far and wide to find it. But the truth is, happiness is already inside them. It’s a direction, not a place. To unlock happiness you just gotta be present, and pay attention to Read more about Happiness is a direction, not a place.[…]

Happiness is pretty simple

Happy Friday, beautiful souls! Just a quick reminder for today… Happiness is not about having everything you want in life. It’s about wanting everything you already have. 🏡 🍔 🚗 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 ❤️ ☀️ = 😀 Wishing you a great day out there, appreciating your awesome stuff in life. Cheers! – Joel **Update: A reader sent Read more about Happiness is pretty simple[…]

How do you cheer yourself up?

A few weeks back I asked you guys “How do you cheer yourself up, snap out of a bad mood, and switch from negative to positive thinking?”… 7 brave soles responded, and here are the replies below! (and right at the very bottom, I’m adding a link to my personal massive list I’ve been building Read more about How do you cheer yourself up?[…]

Be someone’s rainbow this weekend 🌩🌈

Good morning and happy Saturday!! How ya’ll feeling out there? I read a really cool quote the other day — “be the rainbow in someone else’s cloud” Got me thinking… We all have the awesome ability to make a difference in someone else’s life. Most rainbows pop up unexpectedly, and instantly cheer people up. And Read more about Be someone’s rainbow this weekend 🌩🌈[…]

Ways to cheer yourself up

101 Ways to Cheer Yourself Up and Be Happy!

Here’s a list of 101 ways to cheer yourself up! Some of them are a little weird, but bear with me — there are some really fun ones in here… Try them out and let me know what you think! And remember, we all have tough days and go through weird moods. It’s natural. But Read more about 101 Ways to Cheer Yourself Up and Be Happy![…]

Friday Happiness Checklist v3! ✅

Today I have 10 small challenges for you… As you check off each one, watch your happiness increase!! 😎 ***** Challenge #1: No complaining, ALL DAY today! Challenge #2: Think of 3 good things that happened this week… (You don’t have to write them down… but, sharing is caring and other people love hearing your Read more about Friday Happiness Checklist v3! ✅[…]

Productivity Hack: Get a desk plant! 🌱

Did you know, keeping a small plant on your work desk can increase your productivity by 15%!? 🪴 Plants have calming powers, and they allow for more creative and flexible thinking. Also did you know…? children engage in significantly more creative play when they are in courtyards with abundant greenery 🌳☘️ shrubs and trees in Read more about Productivity Hack: Get a desk plant! 🌱[…]

Happiness Checklist, v2! ✅

Happy Friday, my dudes! Here is your happiness checklist for today. Read them, do them, check them off, share them around, and notice your happiness increase! (as well as the happiness of those around you) 🙂 HAPPINESS CHECKLIST: ✅ I’ve reminded myself that I’m incredibly blessed in life! ✅ Today I used my superpower of Read more about Happiness Checklist, v2! ✅[…]

Monday happiness – you gotta choose it.

Dear everyone, It’s been brought to my attention that despite my daily morning emails, some of you are still having a hard time staying motivated and happy each day. Therefore, I have decided to increase my efforts… Starting tomorrow, instead of just 1 email each day, I will be sending 15 emails per day. You’ll Read more about Monday happiness – you gotta choose it.[…]

The biggest thing Hawaii has taught me…

A lot of people fly to Hawaii to find happiness. But after a little while there, they realize that everything in Hawaii is imported. It’s an island. Things are brought there, not found there. If you don’t fly happiness in with you, you’re not going to find any in Hawaii. Happiness isn’t a place. It’s Read more about The biggest thing Hawaii has taught me…[…]

Happiness fuels success, not the other way around

My friend Cory shot me this yesterday… “I just read a book called The Happiness Advantage (<—- affilly link!). Turns out there is a whole branch of psychology that studies happiness. The author summarized a bunch of research and came up with a really cool discovery! Most people see that “successful” people tend to be Read more about Happiness fuels success, not the other way around[…]

Quickest way to happiness –> GIVE

One of the quickest ways to GET happiness, is to GIVE happiness. This morning as you’re starting your day, plan a few quick things that will bring happiness to others. Then after those are done, try doing even more 🙂 Chores around the house, so your loved ones don’t have to. Leave love notes or Read more about Quickest way to happiness –> GIVE[…]

Your happiness = your responsibility

YOU are the biggest part of your own happiness. Happiness isn’t out there waiting for you… It’s not something that you stumble upon randomly or only deserve later in life. Happiness is already within you. Right now. It’s on you to recognize that and consciously lead your day with it. 🙂 Sometimes its easy, sometimes it’s hard work. But it’s always worth Read more about Your happiness = your responsibility[…]

Stayin’ Positive and Happy!

Last week someone called me “naive” for being happy and positive all the time. 😔 Whilst I can see how it comes across that way (and I definitely am naive about a lot of stuff) that’s not the reason I’m so positive. Being happy and positive is NOT: Ignoring your problems Pretending world issues don’t Read more about Stayin’ Positive and Happy![…]

happy thoughts

Be like Peter Pan… Think happy thoughts!

Happiness is contagious. Not just from people –> people. Happiness is contagious within your own brain and thought patterns. It starts with 1 tiny little positive thought. That happy thought births another. Then those thoughts multiply over and over. And if you allow it, the happiness continues to grow and grow until you see the Read more about Be like Peter Pan… Think happy thoughts![…]

Today’s Affirmations. Tell these to yourself.

Read these out loud to yourself…   “Today will be a great day”   “I am in charge of how I feel, and I choose to be happy”   “No matter what the world throws at me today, I will figure it out. I’ve handled everything this far in life, and each day I’m getting Read more about Today’s Affirmations. Tell these to yourself.[…]


Equanimity – mental calmness

  e·qua·nim·i·ty (noun) mental calmness, composure, and evenness of temper, especially in a difficult situation. “today, nothing can disturb my equanimity” PS. Thank you all for your comments and support from yesterday’s email. I truly appreciate all your thoughts. One of my favorite replies I received yesterday was… “I am not writing to offer an opinion on Read more about Equanimity – mental calmness[…]

Tomorrow’s memories

“Create moments today, that you want to remember tomorrow”   I’m feeling lazy this morning… I could quite easily sit on the couch and watch TV all day. But if I did that, come tomorrow, I would have dull memories. I’m capable of creating so much more in my life. So today, I’m going to: Spend Read more about Tomorrow’s memories[…]