Just an average guy, living an above-average life!

Organize your thoughts –> Rooms

Sometimes I’m a scatterbrain. My thoughts are all over the place, like this: When thoughts are scattered it’s unproductive, stressful, and there’s no room for more thoughts! But someone taught me a trick once to organize all the thoughts… It’s called compartmentalization. Basically, you divide all your thoughts into similar categories, and put them in Read more about Organize your thoughts –> Rooms[…]

Fear of public speaking report

I took a DNA test recently (23andMe) and learned some cool stuff about my ancestry and genetic traits. But they also gave me this weird report… Apparently my DNA shows I’ve got a 23% chance of fear of public speaking… It’s strange to think that fear can be genetic. (It’s also strange that people use Read more about Fear of public speaking report[…]

This weekends good vibe forecast…

Good morning everyone this is 5am Joel with your good vibes forecast for the weekend… 👨‍🏫 Today we’re expecting mostly happiness with a chance of awesome. There’s a 90% probability of delicious coffee this morning, bringing some energetic feelings and a wave of optimism. Around midday we expect some inner peace to roll in, shedding Read more about This weekends good vibe forecast…[…]

GameStock Saga – check your motive

I’m not a stock market expert. But I’ve studied enough to know this… If you invest with the intent of revenge, greed, fear of missing out, getting rich quick, or hurting others, you will almost certainly fail in the long run. Rather, if you invest in value, think long term, master patience, study things thoroughly, Read more about GameStock Saga – check your motive[…]

A few Friday love stories for ya…

Last Friday on my volunteering shift, I got a special assignment… One of the clients has been requesting some pie for several months. The standard issue meals can get a bit bland, so he’s been asking constantly if meals on wheels can bring him some pie – to change things up. So last week, one Read more about A few Friday love stories for ya…[…]

Chinese New Year 🏮 🏮 – Let’s celebrate!

🏮Happy Chinese New Year!!!🏮 Here are some fun facts for ya… About 2 Billion people will be celebrating Chinese new year today! (actually they started last night and will continue for the next 15 days – that’s a long holiday!) More fireworks will be set off today than any other day of the year! These Read more about Chinese New Year 🏮 🏮 – Let’s celebrate![…]

Mood follows action

Most humans have a tendency to wait until the mood strikes them before taking action. We think things like, “I don’t feel inspired right now, maybe I’ll just do xyz later”. Or, “I’m not very motivated today, better start my project tomorrow when I’ve got energy.” But the truth is: Moods follow actions. Not the other way Read more about Mood follows action[…]

Shift your perspective, my friend.

Dwelling on the negative is like tying your shoe laces together. It trips you with every step. Actually it’s worse… It’s also like tying your friends laces together as well as all the other people around you. Negativity slows your entire world down. So shift your perspective. Focus on the positive! Take your shoes off Read more about Shift your perspective, my friend.[…]

How to increase your value 💪

Ben Franklin once said… ”Your net worth to the world is usually determined by what remains after your bad habits are subtracted from your good ones.” Following this logic, I have 2 missions for you today… Make a teeny tiny step towards removing one of your bad habits. Make a teeny tiny improvement in solidifying Read more about How to increase your value 💪[…]

Happiness fuels success, not the other way around

My friend Cory shot me this yesterday… “I just read a book called The Happiness Advantage (<—- affilly link!). Turns out there is a whole branch of psychology that studies happiness. The author summarized a bunch of research and came up with a really cool discovery! Most people see that “successful” people tend to be Read more about Happiness fuels success, not the other way around[…]

Only got one life. Don’t blow it.

Kevin Hart said on a podcast recently… “I was married to my career and dating my family… (this was before breaking his back in a car accident) …but when you’re laying in the hospital, none of the stuff you “think” are valuable are in the room”. A good reminder to take a quick moment today Read more about Only got one life. Don’t blow it.[…]

More fun volunteering stories…

[Each Friday I volunteer at Meals on Wheels in Santa Monica. Delivering food is not a glamorous job, so I make the most of it by looking on the bright side, and collecting weird/funny stories to share with you guys!…  All past stories here.] ****** Yesterday I delivered food to one my regular clients. I Read more about More fun volunteering stories…[…]

Friday = MY day

“Friday. The golden child of the weekdays. The superhero of the workweek. The welcome wagon to the weekend.” Think; Friday is my day. And nothing’s gonna bring me down today. Woot woot! Have a wicked day my dudes! – Joel From the archives, 2013. There was a period where Coops’ ears grew faster than the rest of his body.

Tuesday GRIT 🏃‍♀️🏃‍♂️

“Grit is perseverance for very long term goals. Grit is sticking with your future, day-in, day-out. Not just for the week, not just for the month, but for years… And working really hard to make that future a reality. Grit is living life like it’s a marathon, not a sprint.” – Angela Duckworth. ******* Happy Read more about Tuesday GRIT 🏃‍♀️🏃‍♂️[…]

If you’re not changing it, you’re choosing it.

Came across a cool saying the other day… “whatever you’re not changing, you’re choosing.” I think we all get stuck in situations we don’t like in life. We outgrow the places we live, grow tired of the jobs we work, maybe our friends situation needs repairing… But if we don’t make changes to improve our Read more about If you’re not changing it, you’re choosing it.[…]

Silence isn’t empty.

“Silence isn’t empty. It’s actually FULL of answers”   Take a few moments today to explore the silence. Practice stillness and find quietude. It’s a really cool way to start the weekend 😎. Have a good one, Joel *Pic taken at sunrise yesterday in Coorong, South Australia

When everyone around you is winning

“Just because everyone around you is winning, that doesn’t mean that you are losing” People are making a ton of money investing right now. They are killing it in their careers. They’re happy and thriving. There are countless world issues going on, yet everywhere I look, people seem to be doing really well. I’m confused. Read more about When everyone around you is winning[…]

Success requires absolute commitment

Success requires absolute commitment

Happy Monday!! I saw this phrase the other day… “Success requires absolute commitment.” It’s got me thinking, am I absolutely committed to my goals? Or just like, mostly committed? Would I get up 2 hours earlier in the freezing morning to work on my goals? Would I say No to drinking with my buddies so Read more about Success requires absolute commitment[…]

Let’s try this again… Your 2021 Playbook

Last year taught me that sometimes stuff doesn’t go as planned. You could design a kickass playbook for 2021, but there will still be events that throw you off course and mess up your plans. Events happen that are outside of your control. But, what we can control is a) how prepared we are and b) how we Read more about Let’s try this again… Your 2021 Playbook[…]

Count your age by friends and experiences.

Today is my birthday! Woohoo! 🎉 I have reached life level #36! I used to get sad about growing older. But now I embrace it. I look forward to it. Birthdays are evidence that growing is happening. They mean reaching new levels of personal development, life experiences, and getting closer to your awesome future self. Read more about Count your age by friends and experiences.[…]

Ultimate Life Hack: Help Others Win

Ultimate life hack: Help others win Helping other people win more, learn more, grow more, be happier, be healthier, be richer, and live more fulfilling lives will magically bring you everything you want in your life. How does it work specifically? I don’t know. It just does. Try it. Help others win. And have a Read more about Ultimate Life Hack: Help Others Win[…]

Celebrate good times, come on!

cel·e·bra·tion noun the action of marking one’s pleasure at an important event or occasion by engaging in enjoyable, typically social (distanced!), activity. Somewhere in the world Christmas Day has officially begun! So the celebration starts NOW! Merry Christmas Eve, ❤️🎄❤️🎄❤️🎄 Sent to me yesterday: Morning walk on the Aliso Summit trail in Laguna Niguel. Someone had Read more about Celebrate good times, come on![…]

I am an idiot #4 🙆‍♂️

Last year I met a really interesting guy. He was late 50’s, retired, uber successful in real estate investing, had travelled the world, and now spends his time volunteering. Super smart, super nice, it was like meeting a human superhero. We spoke for about 45 minutes and I loved every second. Just as I was Read more about I am an idiot #4 🙆‍♂️[…]

My neighborhood smells like poop (and I love it)

For the past month or so, gardeners around my neighborhood have been sprinkling cow manure everywhere. (Apparently Autumn is the best season to fertilize your grass.) With 1 in every 3 houses doing this, the entire neighborhood stinks! My morning walks, workouts, and remote working on my front porch has all been ruined by wafting Read more about My neighborhood smells like poop (and I love it)[…]

Not growing fast enough

Why am I not growing very fast?

Life can sometimes move frustratingly slow… But maybe that’s just cause you can’t see the roots and all the good stuff that’s growing beneath you? 👇 👇 👇 When you feel like you are growing too slow, remember… You have huge roots. You have huge potential. Your hard work and efforts are building momentum in Read more about Why am I not growing very fast?[…]

You are a superhero –> Act like it.

Need a quick confidence boost? An attitude change? Are you prepping for a hard task? Try a power pose: Stand with your feet shoulder width apart puff your chest out chin up hands on hips… bad-ass facial expression Just like a superhero would stand. Hold that pose for 2 mins. 👆 Exhibit A (wikiCommons)👆 Research Read more about You are a superhero –> Act like it.[…]

Monday perseverance

“Waaaah, I don’t feel like working today…” 🥲😭😫 This is what most people are thinking today. It’s extremely hard to be excited about Monday after a long holiday weekend. BUT, this is the exact reason you should be thinking the opposite. Today is a great opportunity to stand out, get ahead, get noticed, be a leader, help others, Read more about Monday perseverance[…]

Why gratitude?

Happy weekend! Woohoo! Gratitude is easy, fun, and FREE. People should practice it more often. Here are 7 other “scientifically proven” facts and benefits of gratitude… Gratitude opens the door to more relationships. (Thanking strangers, smiling, kind gestures – people want to be around you more!) Gratitude improves physical health. (Work out, stretch, get outside… Read more about Why gratitude?[…]