Just an average guy, living an above-average life!

I want it all. I want it NOW.

pa·tience noun 1. The capacity to accept or tolerate delay, trouble, or suffering without getting angry or upset. Jenny practiced patience through years of set-backs, and slowly but surely she reached her dreams. Happy Monday! Stay patient, my friends! “Patience is also a form of action” – Auguste Rodin   *Bench photo by Aaron Burden

Healing frequencies – 528 Hz and 432 Hz

I’ve been reading about “acoustic therapy” recently… Basically when we hear different types of sounds, our brain reacts in different ways and that tells our body what to do. Some frequencies elevate our emotions and lighten our mood, while others actually change our physical DNA! (apparently) Check out these frequencies: 432Hz – “Lucidity” (listen here on youtube) This sound Read more about Healing frequencies – 528 Hz and 432 Hz[…]

Smiles can be heard over the phone

Did you know that people can actually hear you smiling through the telephone? Most of us are working from home, so we’re not seeing our co-workers or friends much face-to-face. But, that doesn’t mean we read each others moods or feelings. Smiling is contagious. And when you smile while you’re talking on the phone, it lightens Read more about Smiles can be heard over the phone[…]

I am an idiot #2 🤦🏻‍♂️

Once I was walking across an intersection… Since I was the only person walking, I was the center of attention for all the stopped cars… So I thought this was a good opportunity to show everybody some of my “sweet dance moves”. I was wearing baggy sweatpants (just returning home from break dance lessons), and Read more about I am an idiot #2 🤦🏻‍♂️[…]

Check yo’ self before you wreck yo’ self

Yesterday I received a crappy comment online. For the most part, I’ve learned how to ignore crap messages from random people on the internet. But for some reason, this little comment hit a nerve and triggered some of my personal insecurities. So, I did what anyone normal person would do. I spend 2 hours moping Read more about Check yo’ self before you wreck yo’ self[…]

Circle of Concern vs. Circle of Influence

I have some concerns. Things that many people worry about… But, I recognize that these are uncontrollable things. And since I can’t control them, I need to focus on the things I can control. Here is what I can do (influence): This week: Control what you can control, influence what you can influence. It’s ok Read more about Circle of Concern vs. Circle of Influence[…]

Friday Fun Volunteering Stories

Yeehaw! It’s Friday! On Fridays I go volunteering at Meals on Wheels. Delivering food to the public is not a glamorous job, but I make the most of it and collect weird and funny stories to share with you guys!… **** – Last week after dropping a meal off, I was walking back to my Read more about Friday Fun Volunteering Stories[…]

Failure isn’t the opposite of success

“Success isn’t binary. Most of us assume that it is, which means everything that isn’t success must be failure. But the opposite of success isn’t failure. Or, it doesn’t have to be. And, that’s a distinction that can make all the difference. Unfortunately, it’s one that many people never learn to make.”   Written by Read more about Failure isn’t the opposite of success[…]

100 x Days Until Valentines Day! 😍 – Gift idea

Starting this Friday (Nov 6th), it will be exactly 100 x days until Valentine’s Day 2021. Woohoo! Now, if you are hopeless romantic like me, you’re probably trying to think up new ways to impress you’re partner, lover, crush, baby boo or main squeeze… So here’s an idea that I used last Valentine’s Day that Read more about 100 x Days Until Valentines Day! 😍 – Gift idea[…]

Weird stuff tonight… 2020 Halloween Stats!

Today is Halloween! And there’s some weird stuff going on tonight… – There’s a full moon tonight! This hasn’t happened on Halloween since 1944. So cool! – Despite the pandemic and huge financial difficulties, Americans will still spend $8.05 Billion this year on Halloween decorations, candy, and costumes. 🤮 – 53% of people plan to Read more about Weird stuff tonight… 2020 Halloween Stats![…]

Surely not “everybody” was kung fu fighting..?

Surely not everybody was kung fu fighting..? I mean, out of all the different martial arts styles, why weren’t there people doing karate, boxing or even MMA? Reminder today:  It’s OK to be different. And follow your own path. If you want to practice a different form of ancient fighting instead of Kung Fu, that’s totally fine. Read more about Surely not “everybody” was kung fu fighting..?[…]

Saturdays are for ___________.

Saturdays are for ___________. Today can be whatever you want it to be. Adventure, relaxing, family time, zooming, distanced drinking, voting, rock painting, soap carving, competitive dog grooming, extreme ironing, gongoozling, speedcubing, axe throwing, hobbyhorsing, underwater hocky, or perhaps you’re taking part in the West Coast Giant Pumpkin Regatta? Whatever your thing is, you get Read more about Saturdays are for ___________.[…]

Moving from failure –> failure.

My old pal Winston Churchill once said: “Success is the ability to move from failure to failure, without loss of enthusiasm” Everybody fails. Actually, people fail all day – every day. Life is jam packed with failing. This is how we learn. But, it’s the stuff we do in between one setback and the next Read more about Moving from failure –> failure.[…]

If you can dream it –> you can do it.

“There is no passion to be found playing small – in settling for a life that is less than the one you are capable of living.”  – Nelson Mandela   Nelson is a smart guy. Today, he wants you to: – Think bigger – Try harder Because you’re more capable than you think you are Read more about If you can dream it –> you can do it.[…]

Rise above the negativity…

Negativity is like a cancer. If it’s not squashed it will grow and grow overtime and kill everything you love. Unfortunately, there is a lot of negativity in this world. When you see, hear, or witness something negative, you have two options… 1. Foster, replicate, and spread the cancer. OR 2. Stay positive, rise above, Read more about Rise above the negativity…[…]

Showing love when someone’s being an asshole…

Yesterday I saw someone texting while driving and they nearly hit a bicyclist! 😠 Later, I saw another driver throw a cigarette butt and some trash out of their window. 🤦‍♂️ Last week, one of my friends posted an extremely insensitive comment on social media.😞 I came across this comment recently… “It’s okay that we Read more about Showing love when someone’s being an asshole…[…]

Where’s your grandma? – The depth of life.

About 2 years ago I found a 93 year old grandma wandering around the streets. She was lost, in her pajamas, and couldn’t find her home. Here’s the original morning email I wrote about this (Many of you weren’t on this email list back then). It was one of the coolest miracles and coincidences I’ve Read more about Where’s your grandma? – The depth of life.[…]

Stop Starting and Start Finishing

I have a bad habit of multi-tasking. While I’m working on 1 project, I come up with 3 ideas for other things. Then I start working on those, leaving the first project forgotten and unfinished. This happens daily, so I slowly collect a bunch of unfinished work and to-do items throughout the week. By the Read more about Stop Starting and Start Finishing[…]

Negativity helps absolutely nothing.

“I do not recall a time when negativity fixed anything” Just a quick reminder to approach everything with a positive attitude today. Good times, bad times, boring times, creative times, productive times, stressful times, at home, at work, with family and friends… Whatever you get up to today, remember negativity helps the situation zero. Have Read more about Negativity helps absolutely nothing.[…]

Month updates, parents teaching kids, and 100 days left this year!

When I was about 7 or 8 years old, my Mum offered to give me $100 if I could give up eating chocolate for 1 whole year. $100 was more money than I could even fathom at that age! But do you know how hard it is for a kid to not eat chocolate? Birthday party treats, Read more about Month updates, parents teaching kids, and 100 days left this year![…]

Quickest way to happiness –> GIVE

One of the quickest ways to GET happiness, is to GIVE happiness. This morning as you’re starting your day, plan a few quick things that will bring happiness to others. Then after those are done, try doing even more 🙂 Chores around the house, so your loved ones don’t have to. Leave love notes or Read more about Quickest way to happiness –> GIVE[…]

On your side 🚿

The grass is greener wherever you water it. Cheers to spending time today watering your own side of the fence. Investing time in the things you value most will grow the greenest grass you’ll ever see. Happy weekend friends! 🚿🚿🌱🌱 – Joel Feature photo by Ochir-Erdene Oyunmedeg

Time = Life

Would you steal $20 out of someone’s wallet if they weren’t watching? Of course you wouldn’t. Because thieving is selfish and you wouldn’t want someone to steal money from you. What about stealing time? It’s only fair to respect other people’s time as much as you protect and respect your own. Some ancient cultures believe Read more about Time = Life[…]

Why am I so tired lately?

Ever check out your sleep data analysis on your iPhone? It’s inside the Health app. Here’s a snap of mine…   Well, dang! No wonder I’ve been feeling so tired lately – my bedtime is all over the place! I’m averaging less than 7 hours of sleep the past month. I’ve been groggy, slow thinking, and less Read more about Why am I so tired lately?[…]

Great moves are usually greeted by yawns

  “Beware the investment activity that produces applause; the great moves are usually greeted by yawns”   I love Warren Buffet. His advice and quotes aren’t just applicable to investing… Many of them can be used as good life advice. Here’s a quick reminder for today… The small and boring self-improvement activities you’re doing each Read more about Great moves are usually greeted by yawns[…]

Gratitude improves all your experiences

Gratitude. Gratitude unlocks the fulness of life. – It turns what we have into enough (and more) – It turns denial into acceptance, chaos into order, confusion into clarity. – It turns regular meals into feasts, houses into homes, strangers into friends. – Gratitude brings you peace. It makes sense of your past, and gives Read more about Gratitude improves all your experiences[…]

Friday reminders…

Happy Friday! Quick reminders for today… – Look for the humor in stuff: Even when crap hits the fan, there’s always a funny side! – Celebrate the small stuff: I plan to have about 20 mini-celebrations today when tiny things go right. Don’t care how small it is, nobody can stop me from celebrating life. Read more about Friday reminders…[…]

Right place, right time. Look for the signs…

  About 6 months ago I was walking on the beach. It was one of those long, soul searching walks where I was feeling stuck and trying to figure out what the heck my purpose is in life. Am I on the right path? Am I making the right career moves? Stuff like that. All Read more about Right place, right time. Look for the signs…[…]

4 quick tips – for when you feel overwhelmed

Here’s a cool message I keep in my notebook and refer back to on days when I feel scattered… “To my sweet Joel… 💕  these are the four things I do when I’m feeling overwhelmed… 💕  I do the next right thing… 💕  I Finish what I start…💕  I Use what I have…💕  And I do what Read more about 4 quick tips – for when you feel overwhelmed[…]

Refinance Magic – Putting Equity to Work

Refinance Magic – Putting Equity to Work [Guest post by “K. Money!”] What if I told you that I could increase the production value of your rental property by 10-20% and I will PAY YOU $4,600 to do it, does that sound like something you’d be interested in!? Now you are probably thinking…… “This sounds Read more about Refinance Magic – Putting Equity to Work[…]

A sneaky challenge for you…

Happy Friday! Your challenge today… (should you choose to accept it) is to: Steal your partner’s iPhone (or any loved one’s phone) when they are not looking… Hold down the home button to activate Siri, and speak the following into the phone… ”Remind me in 20 days that xxx loves you” (use your name in place of xxx) The Read more about A sneaky challenge for you…[…]

Are your problems “real” problems?

Some of the best advice I ever got was that real problems are ones that can’t be solved with money.   Day to day annoyances like car repairs, tuition payments, bills, house maintenance issues – all easily solved with new DIY knowledge, creativity, or cash.  When you have a health problem, sick loved one, regrets, damaged Read more about Are your problems “real” problems?[…]

Your happiness = your responsibility

YOU are the biggest part of your own happiness. Happiness isn’t out there waiting for you… It’s not something that you stumble upon randomly or only deserve later in life. Happiness is already within you. Right now. It’s on you to recognize that and consciously lead your day with it. 🙂 Sometimes its easy, sometimes it’s hard work. But it’s always worth Read more about Your happiness = your responsibility[…]

Friday Happiness Checklist ✅

Happy Friday, dudes! Here’s a checklist for today. Feel free to add/change/delete items as you see fit. Then print it out, and check them off 1 by 1, and notice your happiness increase 🙂 HAPPINESS CHECKLIST ✅ I’ve reminded myself that I’m incredibly blessed in life. ✅ I’ve reminded myself that I’m really good at _______, and I’m Read more about Friday Happiness Checklist ✅[…]

Under pressure? So were diamonds once!

It takes extreme pressure to turn carbon into diamonds. Immense heat to forge the strongest steel in the world. Piping hot fire allows glass to be blown into beautiful objects. Intense sun rays helps animals grow protective armor and leather skin. Keep this in mind when you encounter any stress, pressure, or heat from your Read more about Under pressure? So were diamonds once![…]