Just an average guy, living an above-average life!

Live harder

The only way to beat death… is LIFE. Give it, share it, use it to the fullest. Wishing you an awesome Sunday peeps! – Joel “While Seattle is notorious for being blanketed with gloomy clouds, can you imagine what it looks like above them at 30,000 feet?” – From my friend RBD 💪

True happiness

It’s not about getting all the stuff you want in life… It’s about appreciating the stuff you already have. Sooooo…. What stuff do you already have? …And how can you make the absolute most of it today? Wishing you a peaceful weekend, – Joel Due to popular request here’s another Cooper puppy pic

No one stopping you –> but you.

I came up with a cool idea recently… Take some lemon seeds and lime seeds, plant them in my backyard… Wait until the plants become like 1-2 feet tall, then i’m gonna try grafting them together to make hybrid lemon/lime trees. Then after the small trees are strong enough, I’ll sell each lemon/lime hybrid tree Read more about No one stopping you –> but you.[…]

Water in the morning = happy day ahead!

Did you know… that drinking water makes your day seem less daunting? 💧 Studies show that dehydration leads people to view tasks as more difficult vs those who are fully hydrated. This then ripples into the patients happiness and overall wellbeing. So there you have it! Drink more water each morning, and all your problems Read more about Water in the morning = happy day ahead![…]

Up days and down days. Just keep going.

Yesterday I got up at 5am and sat in front of my laptop… I was there for ~90 minutes, and couldn’t write a single word. Writers block + a long week of unfortunate events + busy holidays approaching + fears of letting people down + momentarily forgetting my direction in life… There was an overload Read more about Up days and down days. Just keep going.[…]

When the magic happens…

Magic happens when you don’t give up, even though you’re unmotivated. Magic happens when you remain unbreakably positive, while everyone else is complaining. Magic happens when you have clear goals for the day, and you’ll do anything and everything to achieve them. It’s time for a magical Monday 🌟 Make it happen, – Joel Sunset Read more about When the magic happens…[…]

You can still have fun, even when it’s broken

I got a HUGE bounce house off of Craigslist last week. I was soooo excited to blow it up and host the neighborhood kids. They all waited patiently and watched me as I set it up in the front yard… But sadly, when I plugged the blower in, the bounce house didn’t fully inflate. Turns Read more about You can still have fun, even when it’s broken[…]

wedding officiant speech

I officiated another wedding! Here’s my speech script…

Woohoo! I officiated another friend’s wedding 🙂 And I want to share the speech script in hopes that it helps others out there if they are asked to be a wedding officiant. Before creating this script, I did a lot of googling, talked with older married couples, and pondered a lot about marriage. It took Read more about I officiated another wedding! Here’s my speech script…[…]

Mind vs. Imagination

  Your imagination is bigger than you think. Actually, it’s limitless! Your imagination can solve problems. Your imagination can show you a different perspective. Your imagination can help you create things you don’t even think are possible right now. Today: Tap into your imagination. Happy Thursday!! – Joel

It’s clobbering time 👊

clob·ber verb, informal 1. to hit (something) hard. “Mary vows to clobber her to-do list today” 2. to treat or deal with harshly. “Steve made swift and ruthless decisions, absolutely clobbering his projects at work” 3. to defeat heavily. “Working together, they clobbered the competition” 👊👊👊 Happy Monday, y’all. It’s clobbering time. – Joel Our Read more about It’s clobbering time 👊[…]

Hope in hard times

What weakens you now, strengthens you later. Whatever crappy thing you’re going through right now… it’s developing you into a tougher, stronger, and more knowledgeable person. Hang in there. You do enough. You have enough. You are enough. And you are not alone. 💙 Joel